Movement for All Bodies

Movement can be joyful. Movement can be challenging. Movement can feel wonderful, and movement can feel triggering - especially when we don’t feel like our bodies belong. 

Movement for all bodies

We know, in no uncertain terms, that moving our bodies improves both our physical and mental health. Unfortunately, the majority of the fitness industry doesn’t make every body feel welcome. Not dissimilar to the fashion industry, fitness is missing out on a major population of people who would be eager to engage if there were services that fit their needs. This includes people who live in larger bodies, who have differing levels of ability, who are recovering from eating disorders or disordered relationships with exercise, or who otherwise don’t feel welcome due to their race, religion, gender, sexual orientation or financial background.  

Luckily, there is a small (growing?) corner of the fitness community that does in fact try to make all bodies and abilities feel welcome.  I often get requests for ideas on where to look if fitness feels intimidating or unwelcoming. I have compiled a list of options that I am familiar with for anyone interested in exploring movement in a flexible way - not a punishing, “I have to change my body” kind of way.

All resources below have online options for engaging in fitness. Budget-friendly tip: most of these instructors either have free content on their websites and social media and/or offer free trials of their programs. I will try to continue to update the list as I learn of more resources.


The Underbelly Yoga & Wellness with Jessamyn Stanley: “Vison: To create and foster a community for everyone, including those who have ever felt overlooked, underserved and left out by the wellness industry. To empower you to show up and take up space. Define and achieve wellness in a way that makes sense for you.” 

Full Being Yoga with Dana Falsetti: “Dana Falsetti is a white, fat, non-binary, disabled person, a speaker, writer, and the founder of Fullbeing. At 22 they started traveling and teaching yoga workshops in person and online with the intention of reaching those who felt othered because of how their bodies are treated and seen.”

More to Love Yoga with Rachel Estapa: “Rachel Estapa, founder and CEO of More to Love, is passionate about empowering people to love and appreciate their bodies. Her own path to body acceptance began many years ago. After yo-yo dieting throughout her teenage years and into adulthood, Rachel took stock of her life and realized she wasn’t happy. Even when she reached her “goal weight,” she felt something was missing. That’s when she decided she would stop trying to change her body and instead she would focus on loving the body she has.”

Pilates and Strength Building: 

The Be.come Project with Bethany C. Meyers: “the be.come project is a subscription-based fitness platform built on the idea of bringing inclusivity, approachability and body-neutrality to the fitness world.”  

Hybrid Calisthenics with Hampton Liu: “... the true revelation may be that physical exercise itself has applications beyond building strength, gaining muscle, and losing fat. Because these goals are so popular, there is a seemingly endless supply of products and educational content to help people achieve them. However, there are applications beyond this. Hybrid Calisthenics is the initiative to help people better their lives and achieve unconventional goals.”

Kara Duval Pilates: “I love to celebrate my body for what it can do opposed to what I think it should. You will quickly find that my teaching philosophy is the complete embodiment of this.”  *Bonus: Kara is open about her own journey of recovery from disordered eating and body image after years spent dancing ballet. 

Dance & Aerobics: 

The Fitness Marshall: “Hailed as the modern day Richard Simmons meets Britney Spears, The Fitness Marshall is the internet's favorite fitness pop star delivering non-stop, easy to follow dances to his 5 million followers across social media. Caleb along with his two Backup Booties welcome and celebrate every age, size, ability, color, and gender expression. No matter where you are in your journey, you have a place with them on the dance floor.” 

Curves with Moves by Jessie Diaz-Herrera: “Diaz-Herrera now teaches in NYC and structures her classes to suit all body types and dance levels. Not your typical dance class, she ensures that the environment is judgment free, incorporating body positive talk and affirmations during the sessions to make her students feel comfortable at any dance level. Her mission is not to just teach dance but to empower her students to learn how to love their bodies through dance.” 

Personal Training & Pole Dancing with Roz the Diva: “Come as you are. I'm a dark skin, semi-bald, overweight, outspoken woman who runs around NYC half naked. I'm also a proud ally of the LGBTQ+ community; I'm already a fan of your religion; your disabilities don't scare me; the only race I see is pizza. Unless you're a total douche bag, we're already BFFs.” 

Source: Photo by Polina Tankilevitch: ...

10 New Year’s Resolutions that do not Include Weight Loss for 2020

We see it every year. The “New Year, New You” messaging: covering the magazines at every grocery checkout lane, filling our inboxes with promotional emails, and splattered across our social media feeds. It is hard to miss (or avoid) from December 1 to February 1. 

The new year is a time where we tell ourselves “this year I am really going to get it together”, and often those words are synonymous with a fantasy of changing our bodies in some way. We  may dream that losing weight, bulking up, or “getting more toned” will bring us the confidence and happiness that we have been desperately searching for. What we forget to remember in that fantasy is that thinness does not equal happiness and the perfect body does not mean the perfect life. 

Meaning, connection, and enjoyable experiences attract positivity, happiness, and confidence into our lives. So instead of choosing a New Year’s resolution focused on changing your body this year,  why not focus on taking positive action of another form?

 Here are some ideas: 

  1. Try a new hobby 

  2. Volunteer for a cause you care about 

  3. Help campaign for a 2020 candidate you support 

  4. Revive an old friendship

  5. Take a trip to somewhere you have been wanting to visit 

  6. Meet your neighbors 

  7. Decrease your screen time

  8. Ask your crush out on a date (or if you are attached, schedule a regular date night with your significant other) 

  9. Spend more time in nature 

  10. Complete a home project 

Happy New Year Y’all! May 2020 bring you true connection and joy.  

Why I Have a Problem with the New Weight Loss App for Kids

Weight Watchers rebranded last year to “WW”, which was smart branding on their part because old school diets such as Jenny Craig or Nutrisystem are no longer as popular as they once were. Now, we are sold the idea that we can be better, more moral people not by “dieting” but by “eating clean” or “eating whole”, but we fail to see that these “lifestyles” are another version of a diet repackaged and tied up with a new, more green bow. 


What better way to attract us millennials, the lovers of environmentalism, yoga, & self-care, than by convincing us that drinking a green juice or eating an avocado toast, will bring us closer to enlightenment (or at least the “yoga body” that makes people think we look enlightened). And through this all, some company somewhere is making a lot of money. The diet industry was projected to be worth $70 billion in 2018 and that amount is only projected to keep rising with time. 

Speaking of companies looking to make money off our country’s obsession with weight loss, WW has created a new weight loss app for children, called Kurbo.

While I hate that adults have to struggle with diet culture, thinking about young kids being exposed to a weight loss app like Kurbo makes me very, very sad. 

As a therapist who specializes in eating disorders, I can tell you that I have been receiving more and more requests to see kids, ages 12 and under, who are struggling with eating disorders of their own. I have had the experience of visiting a treatment center and seeing a child, that could not have been more than 10 years old, sitting in the audience of my presentation. 

If you’re unfamiliar with eating disorder treatment, when a person  has an eating disorder that is appropriate for a residential or inpatient level of care, that means that person has to live at the facility 24/7. For a child, this means that they have to spend the night, every night, away from their parents, their siblings, their family pet, their favorite books and blanket and live instead with the other patients and staff at the treatment center. Of course, parents and families can visit, but when I think about how scared I was to even go to summer camp as a kid, I can only imagine how terrifying it must be for a young child to have to go to treatment. 

Do you know where most eating disorders start? They start with a diet. Not all dieters develop eating disorders, but for the people that might be genetically predisposed or predisposed via their environment, a simple diet can trigger the thought process that develops into an eating disorder. So why would we sign our children up for a weight loss app that introduces them to the thoughts and behaviors associated with eating disorders? Why would we pay $69 a month for our children to have online coaching to learn what foods are “good” and “bad”, or in Kurbo’s case “yellow”, “red” and “green”? 

I do not expect diet culture to go away any time soon. We can bet that our children will hear about which foods are “good” or “bad” even if we refrain from using that language in our own households. If we want our children to learn to have a healthy relationship with food, why not encourage them to learn instead about tuning into their bodies. We can help them figure out what types of foods make their bodies feel good, that give them energy to play and study and all that good stuff that comes with childhood. And most importantly, why not teach our children that they are loved regardless of what they look like and help them build the self-confidence they need to live in this image-focused world? I do not want another company to profit off our children feeling bad about themselves. 

To learn more about the controversy surrounding the Kurbo app, check out this article from Refinery29:

To learn more about what to do if you are afraid your child is going to be fat, see this blog by eating disorder expert, Beth Mayer, LICSW:

4 Tips for Making it Through the Holidays Binge-Free

For many, Halloween means dressing up in a silly costume, taking the kids in your life trick-or-treating, and marathon watching Stranger Things and for most, Halloween involves in some way, shape, or form a big bowl of candy.


For people struggling with Binge Eating Disorder (BED), Halloween can mark the start of a 2-month long holiday obstacle course with a finish line of January 2nd: navigating an alternate path past the CVS candy aisle, trudging through family and work holiday get-togethers, hurdling over Thanksgiving, Christmas, & New Years with a final face-off against the January 1st“New Year, New you!” weight-loss ads.

This obstacle course takes a heck of a lot of endurance especially if all the while you’re trying to steadily hold your progress in BED recovery like your own Olympic torch – never to be dropped, never to be extinguished, and held high with pride. Don’t be surprised if your metaphorical arm gets tired…It’s not easy to run with a fiery torch in your hand!

All jokes aside, here are some tips for maintaining your progress in BED recovery through the holiday season (You CAN do this!):

  • Meet yourself where you’re at: You might be at a place in your recovery where you can attend all of the holiday functions and benefit from exposing yourself to former binge-foods while remaining binge-free. You may also be at a point in your recovery where being surrounded by holiday delicacies is not manageable for you. Be honest with yourself: do you need to avoid the candy aisle? Do you need to set a limit for how long you can stay at your work’s Christmas lunch? Either way – It’s OKAY!

  • Practice Self-Compassion: Yes, every time I say “Self-Compassion” in my BED support group, I hear a resounding group sigh. I get it! Self-Compassion is NOT easy, but is the cure to shame and self-judgement. If you slip-up and have a binge (or 2 or 3 or 10), instead of beating yourself up, talk to yourself as if you were a dear friend: “It’s okay. Don’t worry about it. This isn’t worth beating yourself up over. You are a good person. The food you eat has nothing to do with your self-worth. You are worthy, and valuable, and gosh darn-it people like you!” Remember, you are SO much more than your eating disorder.

  • HALT: Are you Hungry? Angry? Lonely? Tired? If it’s the holidays, you can probably say yes to all of these questions. Make sure you take a moment to “HALT” when feeling vulnerable to a binge:

    • Hungry? Eat a nutrient-dense snack like a fruit/veggie/or protein. If you’re still hungry, eat another. Wait 10 minutes, and ask yourself if you’re “belly hungry” again (Thank you to the group member who taught me that helpful phrase).

    • Angry? Turn the music up loud in your car and sing at the top of your lungs. Punch a pillow. Do 15 jumping jacks. Yell! Dance like crazy to “Monster Mash”. Release your anger in a way that does not involve pushing your anger down with food.

    • Lonely? Reach out for support. Text a friend. Facetime a family member. Call your therapist. Pet your dog. It’s a lot easier to successfully make it to the end of the holiday season with someone by your side to cheer you on.

    • Tired? REST! Yes, there are presents to wrap, greeting cards to send, and financial reports due by the end of the year, but you will not be able to complete these tasks and maintain your recovery unless you are taking time to rest. Your body and mind can only handle so much without time to reenergize.

  • Do Self-Care: When you’re taking care of yourself and feeling good, you are less vulnerable to bingeing or utilizing other self-harming behaviors. Make time and space for YOU this holiday season. Eat regularly throughout the day. Buy yourself a Christmas gift that brings you joy. Take yourself to a gentle yoga class. Make yourself a cup of warm apple cider. Nap by the fire. Walk through the fallen leaves. You deserve it.

And finally, remember that “normal” eating is flexible eating. You are not a good person for eating brussel sprouts, and you are not a bad person for eating pumpkin pie. All foods fit. It is normal to occasionally overeat, and if you do overeat, it does not mean that you need to punish yourself with restriction the next day. Eat breakfast like you normally would and continue holding your eating disorder recovery torch high.

This blog was originally published at and is republished here with permission.